1. Introduction to Smart Contracts

If you are just getting started with Smart Contracts, I suggest you start with the following.

Title Author
Three Ways That Smart Contracts Will Change the Way You Do Business (yes I’m biased but I wrote it as an introduction to applications of smart contracts) Adam Long of LawSnap
Smart Contracts — The Path to mainstream adoption Harry Papacharissiou of Genesis Blockchain Services

2. Smart Contracts Legal Issues

Well-done papers on analysis of smart contracts under current law and how courts are likely to treat smart contracts. (Biased towards US law at the moment but I would like to fix that with resources on other jurisdictions.)

United States

3. Learn to Build Your Own Smart Contracts

The rapidly evolving world of smart contracts are just beginning to enter their “spreadsheet phase” where non-programmers will be able to build their own smart contracts using software.

A few platforms that have recently released toolkts

Accord Project

Accord Project home page

Accord Project Template Library


Clause home page


The OpenLaw Project

4. Enterprise Smart Contracts

Digital Asset


IBM and Hyperledger

JPMorgan and Quorum

5. Digitizing and Standardizing Contracts

Common Domain Model for Financial Derivatives

Nice overview of Common Domain Model (CDM) by Alex Koller of R3.

White paper: Smart Derivatives Contracts: From Concept to Construction by ISDA and the law firm King & Wood Mallesons

ISDA webinar on the CDM.

I wish I could link to more specifics on the CDM, but ISDA has chosen to make this document available only to ISDA members.

Digital Asset Modelling Language (DAML) for contracts

Series of medium posts on DAML

6. Advanced Topics in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT)

While it is (theoretically) possible to have a smart contract without using a blockchain or distributed ledger technology (“DLT”) or to have a DLT (or a blockchain) without smart contracts, the the two technologies are related and mutually reinforcing: the growth of one will support the other. So to understand smart contracts you need to understand DLT as well.

These sources do a great job cutting through the vast and cacophonous hype around blockchain to explain how it works and what it means.

Academic Papers, Journals and Books

7. Advanced Topics in Smart Contracts

A proposed new Taxonomy for Autonomous Smart Contracts, a 2018-08-11 paper by Philippa Ryan.